Monday, June 18, 2012

JW Scandal - California Sex Abuse Case

I rarely post on JWN or on this blog anymore, I have mostly moved on from the JW world, except for my JW mom still being in it.  However a court case in California caught my attention.

I am saddened by the fact that there even had to be a court case.  Why did this young lady have to go through this whole thing at all?  I am saddened by the fact that Ms. Conti was abused in the first place.  I hate that Watchtower, et al covered this up with their policies.  As a former JW elder, I never had to deal with a child sex abuse case myself, for which I am grateful.

I am very glad to see that Ms. Conti got her day in court AND WON.  It is not about the money.  It is about finally taking the gag out of the victims' collective mouths and giving them a voice - a voice that has long been silenced by The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (i.e., Jehovah's Witnesses).

If you are currently an elder, I hope this case makes you think long and hard about the position you are in.  If not for the right reason, then for self-preservation, you should resign as an elder.  If you know about cases you have kept quiet until now, come forward.

I do not embrace hate lightly, but I hate pedophiles.  And I hate those that hide them.


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